Donor-Advised Funds

About HHR

Since 2016, Hearts & Homes for Refugees has been building a growing network of neighbors, family, friends, community organizations, faith, student and civic groups. We provide opportunities for volunteers to join in supporting our refugee neighbors to empower them to rebuild their lives with hope and dignity.

As a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization, HHR has inspired, educated and equipped nearly 4,000 volunteers to support the holistic refugee resettlement of hundreds of refugees in our communities. Community Sponsors improve the long-term outcomes for refugees and change the lives of our new neighbors as well as the lives of volunteers and community partners who offer their time and resources.

Your DAF donation will help us cover rental assistance and other essential needs, such as groceries and clothing, and support ESOL, employment and education programs. When you donate, we can say “Yes” to welcoming more refugees who have been approved for resettlement. 

Transform the lives of our new neighbors and those who welcome them: be a DAF donor and join our community-driven movement that brings people together beyond our differences and shows that we are a nation of welcomers who can unite for a common purpose.

HHR is a proud partner of DAF Day: October 10! Register as a donor in support of Hearts & Homes for Refugees at

Where Your Donation Goes

Starting a new life is about more than the basics. It is about holistically lending a hand to empower refugees to integrate and build their own lives.

  • A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is a tax-advantaged charitable giving account that allows you to give easily to Hearts & Homes for Refugees and other charities that matter to you.

    DAFs are often compared to a 401(k) for retirement savings or a Health Savings Account (HSA) for healthcare expenses.

    Any person, family, or company can open a DAF account at more than 1,000 providers around the country. DAFs have surged in popularity in recent years because they are incredibly effective at increasing giving capacity and streamlining philanthropy.

  • Donating from your Donor Advised Funds is safe, easy, and fast. Using the donation form on this page, making a charitable gift is a quick process:

    1. Select the DAF provider and login directly to your account

    2. Check your DAF account balance and enter your desired gift amount

    3. Share your personal information (i.e. email and address) for your receipt records

    4. Select if you would like to cover the processing fee, as well as need leave a note or designation (if applicable)

    5. Hit submit and your grant donation request is complete! 🚀

    Upon making a donation, you can elect to receive an automatic grant request confirmation that will be sent to the email address you provided.

  • Thank you for your interest in supporting Hearts & Homes for Refugees! To contact us about making a DAF donation, please send us an email at with the subject line, “DAF Donation.”

    If you don't already have a DAF, your financial advisor can help you set up your personalized donor-advised fund. Our EIN is 81-3361872.