Opportunities to Support Refugees
Who can join us! Individuals, civic groups, families, Houses of Worship, faith communities, students, educators! If you are looking for opportunities to support welcoming efforts in our communities, you have come to the right place!
Be in the know! Sign up for our newsletter, join our private Facebook group — our bulletin board for communications. Attend our biannual friends & partners’ meetings and other events. Follow us on all our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Want more hands-on opportunities? Below are some of the Ways to Get Involved.
Become a Community Sponsor
There is an ongoing and urgent need right now for welcoming refugees, and especially our Afghan allies. We are turning to the communities in the Lower Hudson Valley for urgent and ongoing support from Community Sponsors. Hearts & Homes organizes, mentors and assists volunteer groups or individuals, known as Community Sponsors who provide time and resources to each refugee family for up to 12 months.
Learn more about Community Sponsorship!
If you are interested in volunteering for or forming a community sponsor group, please complete this Community Sponsor Sign-Up form.
Donate to Support a Newly Arriving Family
2022 is seeing a resurgence in refugee welcoming. We are welcoming and resettling our Afghan allies as well as other refugees here in the Lower Hudson Valley. In addition to volunteers and more Community Sponsors, we need monetary donations that enable us to support families in rebuilding their new lives. As Community Sponsors, we assist with the basic necessities such as rent (most critical!), groceries, furniture/household items, transportation to jobs, employment support, medical needs, clothing, transportation, language learning and education.
Become a Helping Hands Partner
Community Sponsorship is a heavy lift, which is why we offer Community Sponsorship-lite. Since August 2021, our Helping Hands efforts have been focused on the most urgent need– setting up five new homes for arriving Afghan allies in New York City. Consider joining our Home Furnishing and Set up team. Donate a morning or afternoon of time, muscle, and vans to move donated furnishings into new homes! It is a rewarding way to get an important job done!
Sign up to become a Helping Hands partner!
Cars for Change
Hearts & Homes for Refugees has facilitated the acquisition of a car for several refugee families, which helps them get to work, attend school, reach medical appointments, etc. If you would consider donating a vehicle or selling a car at a discounted price, let us know! Learn more here.
Lead/Host/Volunteer/Donate to a Drive
We have organized the collection and donation of winter clothing and items for 700+ refugees in the Lower Hudson Valley and beyond. Volunteer teams have also helped with Drives for Backpacks & School Supplies, Personal Care Products, Holiday Gifts, and “Spring Showers” umbrella drives. Please contact us for more information.
Join our Good Neighbor Community Monthly Giving Program!
As we continue to work to grow a robust community sponsorship movement, as well as prepare for new refugee arrivals, we need to ensure our sustainability. The Good Neighbor Community monthly giving program represents your commitment to the welcoming movement and the longevity of Hearts & Homes for Refugees. We offer our support to these newly arriving families for up to 12 months! Be a part of our welcoming by becoming a monthly donor.
Adult ESOL Tutoring
Become an ESOL tutor! Undergo an orientation training and get matched with one of our new neighbors. Volunteers and language learners set schedules, determine goals and establish the most effective means of communication. Volunteers offer 1 session per week to start but may meet more frequently if they choose.
Identify/Host Outreach Events in Your Communities
Host film screenings, design events, professionally-led discussions, etc. These can be done any time of the year, or specifically planned for World Refugee Day (June), during Welcoming Week (September), or organized as part of a National Refugee Shabbat (February/March)/ Refugee Sunday (anytime) event.
Host Walk A Mile in my Shoes Event
Your school, church or civic group can host an event that simulates the refugee experience in a refugee camp. There are many event planning resources, among them this one from the Jesuit Refugee Service/USA.
Join Volunteers Deliver!
From time to time, we need to move things: donated clothing or gift cards or other small items, that are to be delivered to the refugee families we assist. That’s when we call up on our Volunteers Deliver! team. Emails are sent to the team describing the task at hand and whomever replies with their availability does the errand. This group is greatly appreciated because they facilitate an important part of our work — delivering the goods offered by our generous donors to the recipients.
To sign up for this team, just e-mail hello@heartsandhomesforrefugees.org.
Start a Students for Refugees Chapter!
High School Students… Join us in the many opportunities to call on elected lawmakers to legislate on behalf of refugees. Host a postcard advocacy event in your local community - we can provide a toolkit with messages and postcards, you gather your friends and mail the postcards. High school students can also organize an experiential refugee simulation at their school - contact us for more information:
Conduct Postcard/Advocacy Events
Raise awareness and support for welcoming, compassionate immigration policies. Host postcard-writing and petition-signing events at community events or gatherings. To organize a ‘postcard party’ to write legislators about an issue, check out our postcard toolkit, and email us with any questions at hello@heartsandhomesforrefugees.org.
Invite Hearts & Homes to Speak
Want to help spread the word throughout your local community? Invite Hearts & Homes to speak at events or in the classroom.
Become an Advocate
Learn more about becoming an advocate for the welcoming movement on our Refugee Advocacy Page!
To learn more about volunteering please contact us at: hello@heartsandhomesforrefugees.org