How Does Community Sponsorship Work?
Organizing a Team
Volunteers, communities, civic associations, faith and interfaith groups are key to successful Community Sponsorship (CS). Volunteers bring a wide range of skills, experiences and their own networks to find and furnish housing, help refugees land their first job, or adapt to school. Teams include internal oversight — volunteer coordinators, fundraising, finances and communications.
Hearts & Homes for Refugees assists cohorts in various ways. HHR staff meet regularly with each cohort’s core team members to provide support and experience, best practices and problem-solving. From fundraising to logistics to connecting new and experienced volunteers, Hearts & Homes is a valuable partner to volunteer teams.
CS Committees
Find affordable housing in accessible neighborhoods
Connect utilities and wi-fi/internet
Help with any landlord issues during the first 6-12 months
Clean, stage, and transport required furnishings, including a culturally appropriate pantry
Provide initial clothing and weather-appropriate needs
Assist with meeting “growing” needs (diapers, new shoes, etc.)
Arrange thrift store visits or other occasional clothes shopping as needed
Prepare HHR Welcome Book
Teach family about living in the US
Grocery shopping, banking, garbage collection, etc.
Public transportation
Hygiene and dress
Enroll children in school
Liaison with schools to obtain needed support and provide advocacy
Arrange after school and childcare programming
Identify potential employment opportunities
Assist in resume, application and interview preparation
Register adults for ESOL classes
Provide supplemental ESOL support (e.g. tutoring, conversation partners)
Identify adult education opportunities (GED, higher education, technical training)
Assist in setting up bank accounts, building credit and filing taxes
Help apply and follow-up on services such as:
Social Security cards
Orient family to healthcare system and navigating Medicaid
Identify healthcare providers in area/network
Schedule and bring families to first appointments
Help schedule future appointment and arrange transportation
Manage medical and/or emergency issues
Identify list of drivers willing to drive families
Alert drivers of transportation needs
Serve as a liaison between drivers and families
Volunteer Coordination
Recruit volunteers
Keep track of volunteer hours
Manage volunteer assignments
Group Fundraising & Finances
Develop and execute fundraising efforts to support resettled family
Note: Each resettlement case has different needs, so not every committee may be relevant.
Become a Community Sponsor!
If you live in the Lower Hudson Valley and are interested in creating or joining a Community Sponsorship team, please complete this form.
Click here if you are interested in other ways to get involved.
If you live elsewhere, please check our Welcome Corps page for national opportunities.
For any questions about becoming a community sponsor, contact us at hello@heartsandhomesforrefugees.org.