Welcome | Convene | Educate | Advocate
Building Welcoming Communities since 2016
Acting locally to address the global crisis
Our Mission
To be a local solution to the global refugee crisis by inspiring, educating and equipping volunteers and community partners to resettle and empower refugees to rebuild their lives with hope and dignity.
Our Vision
We envision communities where refugees are resettled through the goodwill of volunteers and community partners, building bridges and fostering better understanding and acceptance of those forced to flee their homes.
Our Welcoming Work
Together with community partners and faith, civic, and student groups, we provide support for up to one year through programs led by trained and compassionate staff and volunteers. Our grassroots volunteer-driven work addresses all aspects of resettlement, deepening roots and improving refugee outcomes.
The Impact
In 2016, HHR was an early adopter of community-driven refugee resettlement. This work is life-changing for our new neighbors and those resettling them. HHR is proud to be part of new nationwide government-sponsored private citizen initiatives to increase capacity to welcome more refugees and build stronger communities. Nine years later, we are witnessing a historic shift in this country's refugee resettlement paradigm.
Community volunteers are welcoming refugees to the Lower Hudson Valley!
It’s 2024 and we are expanding and depending more than ever on volunteers and community partners to resettle and assist our new neighbors. Learn more about how you or your groups can be part of the growing opportunities to welcome refugees. If you are interested in volunteering or forming a Sponsor group, please complete this Community Sponsor Sign-Up form.
Visit our Refugee Advocacy Page and reach out to us to become a voice for refugees and policies that affect our new neighbors.
Donate to help us support newly arriving Afghan evacuees and other refugees in our community. Learn more about our Ways to Get Involved and become a volunteer for Hearts & Homes.
We Are a Growing Network of Volunteers!
We value the time-honored tradition of welcoming that is deeply rooted in shared humanitarian beliefs and the role of people of goodwill who step up to welcome refugees when given the opportunity to do so.
To keep up to date with advocating and welcoming refugees here in our region and across the country, please sign up to receive Our monthly newsletters at the bottom of the page or visit our Upcoming Dates calendar.